Getting selected for the World 100k Championships, Berlin
AS You were a little under the radar before the trial at Perth and yet you qualified for the World 100km Championships in Berlin by finishing 4th, and achieving the team time standard.
Did you yourself honestly expect to do so well?
GK To be honest No. I ran 7 hr 12 MIn at the ACP at Mondeillo in Ireland in August 2021. I ran that one steady and was strong in the last part. WInter training had gone well and i felt i was in shape to get under 7 hours if i adopted a similar strategy. I went off at a pace i felt was comfortable but way off the pace the big group of fast boys were running. As things went along in the second half people just kept comimg back to me without me pushing too hard, I just felt stong and i think in the last 5 laps i was about the fastest guy on the course and kept passing more people. I was really surprised to end up fourth in that field, breaking both the Northern Ireland and the All Ireland 100k records too.(Gareth’s time was 6:47:33)
AS How did it feel to have your selection for the World 100km Championship team for Berlin confirmed.
GK.I was aware the race was some sort of trial but went home just chuffed to have run so well. It was only when i got a message Walter (Walter Hill, GB 100k team manager) was trying to contact me to see if i was interested in being considered for the GB team that things started to sink in. I couldnt really believe it and it took a while to absorb it all .
AS Since Perth has has your training gone and have you changed anything.
GK My whole running journey has been a roller coaster. I started running several years ago to raise money for charity to help a very close family member. I didnt really have a great plan for training. I just run for enjoyment. I didnt know anything about proper training or garmins and training zones. Over the years with the help of some good runners i know, who have encouraged me and reading an aweful lot, i seem to have improved.
AS Looking specifically towards Berlin have you been looking at any factors
GK Wellthe feeling is it’s going to be warm. I have tried to get access to some facilities to get heat training but none of them has really worked out.I have just been doing old school heat training really. Going out in the heat when i can.
I know some of the team have been goimg away doing altitude stuff and training camps which is great i am sure, but working long 5 and 6 day weeks and having a family means i don’t have loads of spare time so just have to fit training in best i can.
I have been running in extra layers to sweat a lot, wearing padded jackets and the like.
I approached a gym for help to be able to run in a warm area on a treadmill but that didn’t come to much either.I dont think they quite got what i was trying to do. Also going for a run layered up then coming back straight into a hot shower, It doesnt sound too scientific but i am certainly feeling some benefits and getting used to being warm when running. It’s helping me get a feel for extra fluid i might need if its really hot too.
Race to test training
Actual weekly training hasnt changed too much i dont tend to overdo things ,but just try to consolidate and make steady progress.
At the end of June i ran the 50k in Belfast just to see how things were going. I won it and ran a PB of 2:55:58. It was a really warm day so good effort towards Berlin. It showed me I must be doing something right.
Looking ahead to Berlin
AS In a world 100k championship, how do you balance individual goals against team goals
GK Like my last two 100k I am just going to settle in in the early stages, and get a feel for the day.I will try and get fuelling going wellin the first half too .Every runner always thinks thay can improve but i know conditions may not allow that. I just want to run well and not let the team down. I figure if i run well and my usual steady race tha can only help the team effort too.
AS looked at entries
AS There is a genuine buzz around 100km again with more people showing an interest , What advice would you give someone wanting to have go at 100k on the road .
GK If you get an opportunity just go for it. I did and i have enjoyed it and i now have an All Ireland record and a GB vest.
AS Thanks for your time Gareth and good luck in Berlin.
GK Thankyou.
You can read about the Sri Chinmoy 100km race at Perth which was the trial for the world 100km Championships in Berlin HERE
The event website for the world 100km championships in Berlin is HERE
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